COVID 19 Under-reporting estimation
Roberto Silveira
by Roberto Silveira
2 min read


  • stats
  • under-reporting
  • covid

Using python (Pandas + Numpy + Scipy)

In this pandemic time, data-scientist and machine learning engineers are stepping in and building models to help policymakers take decisions under very uncertain moments. A great example is a friend of mine, Christian Perone, who is spending lots of energy to elucidate what is happening using Bayesian inference as the main tool. Check out his dedicated website including several different analysis: Christian Perone - COVID-19 Analysis Repository

Christian pointed me one article from Timothy W Russell on how to estimate COVID-19 under-reporting using delay-adjusted case fatality ration. More details on Timothy’s paper can be found here 1.

Timothy has already provided a code in R CFR calculation that can be used. What I did here is to translate this code in R to Python, so that Pythonistas can use Pandas/Numpy/Scipy to perform the same calculations, or to replace the dataframe with data from your community.

Method for estimating under-reporting

I’m not entering in detail about the method itself, if you need more information please refer to Timothy’s paper 1. Basically, dividing deaths-to-date by cases-to-date leads to a biased estimate of case fatality ratio (CFR), because this simple method does not account for delays from confirmation of a case to death, and under-reporting of cases. This method adjusts the CFR by using using the distribution of the delay from hospitalisation-to-death, assuming that this delay is the same as confirmation-to-death. The distribution uses a Lognormal fit, with a mean delay of 13 days and a standard deviation of 12.7 days.

The under-estimation can be calculated as: \(u_{t}=\frac{\sum_{j=0}^{t}c_{t-j}f_{j}}{c_{t}}\)
\(u_{t}\) = underestimation of the proportion of cases with known outcomes
\(c_{t}\) = daily case incidence at time t
\(f_{t}\) = proportion of cases with delay of t between confirmation and death

For lognormal fit, I used scipy function lognorm:

def plnorm(x, mu, sigma):
    shape  = sigma
    loc    = 0
    scale  = np.exp(mu)
    return lognorm.cdf(x, shape, loc, scale)

This will be used in the hospitalisation_to_death_truncated function, that is the delay function used in the adjustment:

def hospitalisation_to_death_truncated(x,mu,sigma):
    return plnorm(x + 1, mu, sigma) - plnorm(x, mu, sigma)

The cCFR (corrected Case Fatality Ration) is calculated in this loop:

cumulative_known_t = 0
for ii in range(0,len(df)):
    known_i = 0
    for jj in range(0,ii+1):
        known_jj = df['new_cases'].loc[ii-jj]*delay_func(jj)
        known_i = known_i + known_jj
    cumulative_known_t = cumulative_known_t + known_i
cum_known_t = round(cumulative_known_t)
nCFR = df['new_deaths'].sum()/df['new_cases'].sum()
cCFR = df['new_deaths'].sum()/cum_known_t

where delay_func is the hospitalisation_to_death_truncated speficied above (with low, mid and high mean and standard deviations).

The code can be found in this Jupyter Notebook here:

COVID 19 - Under-reporting estimation

Also, I configured a Github Action to execute this code every 12 hours and output the .CSV file as result in output folder of this repo.


  1. Using a delay-adjusted case fatality ratio to estimate under-reporting Link
    Timothy W Russell*, Joel Hellewell1, Sam Abbott1, Nick Golding, Hamish Gibbs, Christopher I Jarvis, Kevin van Zandvoort, CMMID nCov working group, Stefan Flasche, Rosalind Eggo, W John Edmunds & Adam J Kucharski, 2020